The ‘Round-the-Table Carol Sings, created and directed by Martene Craig, began with 200 participants and an audience of 1200. It grew to provide a unique Christmas experience involving over 1200 participants with annual audiences of 14.000.
As the audience walked into an event venue building at the Los Angeles County “Fairplex” which was totally decorated and transformed into Christmas, they sat around festive tables, the house lights dimmed and they found themselves completely surrounded by many multi-aged choirs, full orchestra, and scenes for “Living Masters,” drama and dance. The snow stage at one end featuring a ski slope and ice rink (with the orchestra tucked behind) was balanced by a stage at the other end with spotlighted harps and handbells. It was truly a memorable delight for all ages.
About midway through the program, the youth choirs served the audience a delicious “wassail” apple cider drink, and a tasty “figgy pudding” cake. There was nothing else in the Southland like this inspiring and creative Christmas musical extravaganza!